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Jean-Paul Petit


Jean Paul Petit (EFIAP).


I live in Montrouge in the suburbs of Paris, where I’m the animator in « Objectif Image » a well known club in the AV world…

Since the 80’s this group, which is composed of between 20 and 30 members, have watched and analyzed AV sequences every second and fourth Tuesday.

So we have discussed many hundreds of sequences. The discussions are a little bit  technical, but mainly  on the construction and the impact  on the spectators.

Of course we produce too. Personally I have made AV sequences since 1975, with a large interruption between 1980 and 1990, because during this period, my job didn’t allow me enough time for that leasure.

My principal réalisations are :

  • "Pinball" (1976),
  • "Ballata Emiliana"  (1980) a short summary of the Italian history,
  • "When I was an apple scruff" (1990) on the « Beatles» which was awarded a prize at the RPS International in Bath.
  • "British Embassy" a two slides sequence, also awarded a prize in Bath, which gave me the pleasure to meet Peter Coles and Colin Balls.

With Colin we worked together on "Mission n° 9", an « entente cordiale » sequence, which received the «grand prix»  at the RPS International and at the Great Northern festivals in 2004.

I met Jacques van de Weerdt in 1982. It was the starting point of a very close friendship and an efficient collaboration. Since then we have made many sequences together. The best ones are "Bergstaden",
" un gamin", "le gnou cendré du Caucase", "Le tabac des sports"
and "the great prairie".

I’m also the author of two books, « Le diaporama, un loisir, un art, une passion » with Jacques Muller in 1991, and «Réaliser un diaporama numérique » in 2003.

Three or four times a year, I deliver an « AV speech » in different places, on the following subject : « From the good idea to the best sequence ». I’m also co-organizer of the « Trophée de Paris ».

I’m proud and privileged to be here among you.

Jean-Paul Petit


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